If this is YOUR FIRST VISIT TO MY BLOG, THEN READ THE NEXT lines, I Know it's a little late to start typing, BUT THA DAMN VISTA WAS TELLING MEEE TO GO CHECK MY SECURITY PROTOCOLS, PROTOCOLS??? :< ... WHAT'S NEXT??? CALL THE FUC%!~*& COPS??? Look, I only needed a well cooked material to launch this blog, and it just happened 1 HOUR AGO :), It involves a friend and a Turkish soap opera. Introducing my-self was never any fun, so just like I always say, "Know me To KNOW ME", Damn we are going to H A V E SO much FUN...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

To Download OR NOT To Download!!!

- Here is another mystery provided by {Microsoft}; I have faced another weird and meaningless glitch in my {Windows Media Player 11}, for some reason that may not be known to {Microsoft} "no surprise" which is that the {Media Player} doesn't update the library at all.

- So instead of going deep into the {registry} to do nothing but to waste my eye fluid, I decided to download the {exe} from {microsoft.com} to reinstall it.

- In less than 10 Seconds I was pressing the download button, and waiting calmly to get it on my laptop, {so I thought}, the next page said this "There is no download available for this operating system"; I have {Windows 7} but I couldn't even find it for {Vista} as always here are the images.

- And as for my problem if you even give a damn, I installed {Zune}.

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