If this is YOUR FIRST VISIT TO MY BLOG, THEN READ THE NEXT lines, I Know it's a little late to start typing, BUT THA DAMN VISTA WAS TELLING MEEE TO GO CHECK MY SECURITY PROTOCOLS, PROTOCOLS??? :< ... WHAT'S NEXT??? CALL THE FUC%!~*& COPS??? Look, I only needed a well cooked material to launch this blog, and it just happened 1 HOUR AGO :), It involves a friend and a Turkish soap opera. Introducing my-self was never any fun, so just like I always say, "Know me To KNOW ME", Damn we are going to H A V E SO much FUN...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Legion" Why do we defy GOD?

- Many movies like {Bruce Almighty} {Constantine}, and of-course the upcoming {Legion} in 22nd of January 2010, are simply defying and manipulating GOD's holiness; either by letting {Morgan Freeman} impersonate HIM, or telling the viewers that HE is playing chess against Satan while we human beings are the pieces or as {Legion} would tell us that GOD is pissed at us and is sending his Angels led by Gabriel to exterminate us.

- Since Paul Bettany has starred in religion concerned movies like {The Da Vinci Code} acting as the priest who thinks he is protecting the Christianity by implementing GOD's work on Earth, later comes the {Legion} acting as the fallen Arch Angel who is saving humanity from GOD's anger implemented by an army of angels, and now filming {Priest} as he disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece.

- Let's have a glimpse at the movie from a critic perspective, it has many solid mistakes; for example materializing the Angels by making them jump on cars and weak toward bullets and of-course fire 'cause after all they are Heavenly based; turning them into some {Die Hard} wannabees totally forgetting that Gabriel had literally flipped Sodom and Gomorrah with the tip of one of HIS 600 wings.

- The plot says "The last time GOD lost faith in man he sent a flood, this time he sent Angels" now like most of Hollywood's productions, the story is mixed up; the movie would show us locusts attacking, thunder & hail, boils and darkness; which are some of the {10 Curses of Egypt} at Moses's time; which is not new to humanity, as if HE is out of ideas.

- Defying GOD is not going to take us any where, enough said.

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