If this is YOUR FIRST VISIT TO MY BLOG, THEN READ THE NEXT lines, I Know it's a little late to start typing, BUT THA DAMN VISTA WAS TELLING MEEE TO GO CHECK MY SECURITY PROTOCOLS, PROTOCOLS??? :< ... WHAT'S NEXT??? CALL THE FUC%!~*& COPS??? Look, I only needed a well cooked material to launch this blog, and it just happened 1 HOUR AGO :), It involves a friend and a Turkish soap opera. Introducing my-self was never any fun, so just like I always say, "Know me To KNOW ME", Damn we are going to H A V E SO much FUN...

Monday, April 13, 2009

The A7A Meter

Like any metric system it is a method of measurement an amount of units.

But the A7A Meter is not to measure a physical existence of something, yet it is to measure the significance of a character.

As everything new to us, it will need examples, here are a few:

Ex.1; You were late for a meeting with a friend that was previously agreed between the both of you in a specific place and time, and you were just simply late, once your friend sees you he will then have the right to tell you A7A.

Ex.2; You promised to get something for a friend, and just simply forgot, once your friend asks you, and hears that you forgot it he will then have the right to tell you A7A.

Ex.3; Somebody asks you a very dumb request, that he is just trying to lay-it-off his back, A7A

Ex.4; Somebody is being too clumsy, A7A

Ex.5; Somebody is asking you a very personal question, without having the right to do so, A7A

And So On....

The beauty of it that it doesn't have any limitations, but yet responsibility; cause when somebody does something that deserves the A7A then he doesn't have the right to reply to it.

It doesn't have to be said by the way, many people may find it very offensive to say it or hear it, but we are all smart enough to see it in each others' eyes.

Bottom Line:

The more you hear it then the more your character needs more effort from you to enhance it, and the more you use it, then you are more positively engaging with the environment around you to help make it more efficient.

A7A for a better world

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gold: The Cure For Cancer?

Scientists at UC Santa Cruz have apparently discovered a way to kill cancerous tumors with minute quantities of gold. The process involves tiny gold "nano-spheres" that are coated with antibodies that allow them to seek and detect cancer cells. Once the cells are detected, the nano-particles are then superheated with a laser, essentially baking the tumor to death without destroying the surrounding tissue.

Though the therapy has worked on mice, the process by which the antibodies detect cancerous cells still requires some work. Still, in an age where we seemingly learn of a new cause for cancer every day, it is refreshing to hear of progress being made toward a cure.